This house was also the site of the party where we were attacked by the gang of vicious kitties.
For some time we have been hearing about the most famous member of the army vehicle collection (don't spoil the surprise!) and were delighted to learn that rides on this vehicle were going to be part of the graduation festivities. We believe that Liz washed clothes a day early just so we could go with her.
After a hearty meal and pleasant conversation with the gang from the museum, it was announced that the time for rides had come. Hooray!
We have to admit that we were a little apprehensive but we figured a vehicle like that could only go so fast. Boy, were we wrong!
Here we are pre-ride:
This is called a half track. It is half truck, half tank. Who could've imagined it would go so fast?
This shot is of us rocketing down routes 5 and 20 towards the monument at the heart of Caledonia. Notice the quizzical looks from people on the street. What are a group of people doing driving the streets of Caledonia, whooping and hollering and waving, on a half track?
The ride was thrilling. And the vibrations that came from the floor of the half track were compared by many to the vibrating foot massagers found at the state fair. One rider said her feet were actually vibrated right to sleep!
After our ride, the owner proudly displayed pictures of the vehicle in its prime.
After so much excitement in one month we are predicting some serious downtime in September. School is starting up again and Liz needs to find another job so she can afford to keep us clean!