Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Our Latest Adventure

Today we went to the Jell-O Museum. I know it sounds like a strange choice, at least we thought so, but Liz explained that she needed to visit a museum in order to complete her latest homework assignment. She wanted to go somewhere she had never been so she could get an honest first impression. The Jell-O Museum is reasonably close, and somewhere she had been curious about for a long time. http://www.jellomuseum.com/

Well, let us just tell you - the Jell-O Museum totally rocked! What a great place! Did you know that Jell-O has brain waves?! It's true! Years ago some scientist hooked a plate of Lime Jell-O up to a brain reading machine thingy and voila - brainwaves almost the same as a human would read. I wonder what would happen if we were hooked up to one of those things? Hmmm.....

In this first picture you see us in one of our favorite positions - we call it "just chillin'." This section of the museum is where you can sit and watch historic Jell-O commercials. Did you know that Lindsay Lohan was in a commercial for Jell-O Jigglers? Maybe if she'd stuck to jigglers instead of shooters she would be in better shape now. He he.

In this picture we are hanging out in the sock's, er, children's play area. Want to buy some Jell-O?

Later we headed downstairs to another awesome exhibit about transportation. We found it particularly interesting since we play a key role in transportation ourselves. After some groveling Liz finally consented to letting us get a closer look at the crazy bike on display. Maybe when the weather gets warmer she will take us out for a bike ride...

Our final destination for the day was someplace Liz called the most important stop of all. It smelled really good and Liz spent a lot of time walking slowly and deliberately through the aisles. Before we left she paused and lifted her pant legs up just enough so we could get a good whiff and see what all of the fuss was about.
Liz would like us to apologize on her behalf for the crazy messed up nature of this post. She says it was a miracle she got more than one picture posted at all and knows that what she is looking at now will not look the same once it is published.

1 comment:

Libby said...

that is soooo funny!!! Jell-o museum...who knew?